EMR Metal Recycling

Metal Recycling
Monday to Friday – 8am – 5pm
Saturday – 8am – 12pm
About Us
EMR is a global leader in sustainable materials with physical operations in the USA, UK, Germany, and the Netherlands. Their purpose is to create a future where the materials we use do not need to be extracted from the planet.
EMR recycles around 10 million tonnes of materials each year - anything from a can to an aircraft carrier. This saves over 19.1 million tonnes of Co2 compared
to virgin ore.
They work internationally with industry, government bodies and the general public to turn end-of-life materials, including consumer products, vehicles,
and materials from industry, construction, and demolition, into valuable resources – making the circular economy a reality.
To help the world use its precious resources more sustainably, EMR has committed to becoming a fully net-zero business by 2040 and have aligned their climate commitments with science to play their part in the battle against climate change. As part of this, they invest heavily in energy productivity, low-carbon and nature-positive technology and developing innovative new products that help their customers reduce
their carbon emissions further.